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Priority, First Class, FedEx and UPS!We ship USPS, FedEx, and UPS, at our discretion, depending on the order. Most Astro and Alpha Garmin orders are shipped UPS unless only a PO Box is given.
We ship in the United States, Monday through Friday. We do our best to ship 24-48** hours after receipt of order and a cleared payment. We typically ship UPS, FedEx, and United States Postal Service (USPS), which usually takes 1 to 6 days to arrive at destinations around the USA. Estimated shipping days do not include federal holidays, FedEx and UPS do not include Saturdays or Sundays, and USPS does not include Sundays when calculating transit time. In addition, you cannot count the day the item is picked up as part of the transit time; therefore, if an order is shipped 2 Day Air and is picked up on Monday, the package should arrive on Wednesday. Standard FREE SHIPPING offers can vary from USPS First Class and Priority to UPS or Fed Ex. Free 2nd Day Air shipping is valid only through UPS, FedEx, or USPS Priority and excludes shipping to HI, AK, and some PO Boxes and international! OVERSIZED and OVERWEIGHT, freight shipped items DO NOT qualify for free shipping offers; those items will be noted on the website. Outdoor Dog Supply also ships via USPS using their First Class and Priority services with delivery confirmation. Outdoor Dog Supply reserves the right to use any carrier of their preference based on the item being shipped, excluding orders that the customer has selected and paid for a specific shipping service. Those in Alaska will receive their free shipping items via USPS, and Hawaii will receive their orders through USPS or FedEx, unless the customer pays for expedited shipping services at checkout.
DUE TO SHIPPING RESTRICTIONS ON SOME ITEMS, THE ORDER OR ITEM(S) MAY NOT BE ELIGIBLE FOR AIR/EXPEDITED SHIPMENT, specifically items containing lithium-ion batteries or lithium-ion batteries sold separately. Due to these restrictions, not all items can be shipped by all methods we offer.
Any paid express, priority or upgraded shipping must be placed before 2 pm EST. Any orders placed after 2 pm EST will most likely be shipped the following business day.
USPS does not guarantee Priority Express to be delivered in 1-2 days, sometimes they can take 3 to 4 days to be delivered. USPS does not guarantee Priority mailed to be delivered in 2-4 days. If USPS fails to meet their estimated delivery time, they do not refund. If you need an order in a certain amount of days, only FedEx and UPS guarantee their delivery time frame (except in instances of mother nature, natural disaster, or instances that is out of the control of the shipping company).
**PLEASE NOTE: If your billing and shipping information are two different addresses, this will cause a delay in your shipment of up to 7 working days and can cause your order to be reversed. Due to the high amount of fraudulent transactions that can occur with high-end consumer electronics, Outdoor Dog Supply takes great steps to protect consumers and their business from fraudulent orders. We highly recommend those consumers who wish to have their order shipped to an address different than their billing to contact the office to place the order (757-482-1000). We greatly apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and appreciate your understanding.
Paypal requires signature for any orders valued at $500 or more. Amazon orders of $300 or more will require signature as well. In addition, signature confirmation may be required for a rural address that are not specifically in the USPS or UPS database.
Outdoor Dog Supply restricts carriers from rerouting packages. The shipping address provided at checkout is where your order will be delivered.
Typically, Garmin Astro DC40’s, DC50’s, T5s, Garmin Astro 430, 320 Handhelds, Garmin Alpha, Garmin TT10 and TT15 collars will be shipped UPS or Fed Ex (exclusive of Hawaii and Alaska addresses). UPS does not ship to PO Boxes, so a valid street address is required (residential or business).
Order must be valued at $199.00 or more to receive Free 2 Day shipping.
Only valid for lower 48 states.
Offer not valid for Hawaii, Alaska, PO Boxes, and International orders.
This does not guarantee the order will go out the same day it is placed. Orders are shipped within 24 to 48 hours from the time the orders is placed; however, we make every attempt to ship your order out the same day it was placed or the next day.
Orders are shipped Monday through Friday from our facility.
Outdoor Dog Supply restricts carriers from rerouting packages. The shipping address provided at checkout is where your order will be delivered.
Please make sure you enter in your correct billing address, as our credit card verification system flags any orders with incorrect billing information; either your order will not process or will be placed on Hold, which will delay your order processing in a timely manner.
International Orders
Outdoor Dog Supply does not currently shipped internationally, except to APO. Any orders placed shipping outside the USA, will need to be paid via PayPal or Amazon Pay to a confirmed address. Any orders placed through our credit card processing system will be canceled and refunded. Thank you!
Please note all of our products are designed for use in the in United States. It is the responsibility of the consumer/customer to comply with any and all local laws.
Report Damaged Shipments
DAMAGED shipments and/or packages which appear to be damaged should be refused at the time of delivery. Please contact us immediately if your shipment arrives damaged.
Right to Refund
At Outdoor Dog Supply, we reserve the right to cancel and refund any order at our discretion. This ensures that we can provide the best service and protect the interests of our customers and business. If your order is refunded, you will be notified promptly with further details.