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The mode toggle switch is used to switch between momentary correction, continuous correction, and accessories. Momentary correction"M" is a short stimulation no matter how long you hold down the training key. While continuous correction "C" is a long burst of stimulation that will last as long as you hold down the training button. The accessories button "A" is what you will use to activate and deactivate lights on the unit.
The upper training key is used as one of the two keys to correct your dog. Using the top key by itself will give you a medium level of stimulation while selecting both the top and bottom training keys will give you a high level of stimulation. You can also use the top key to turn your collar lights on as well as vibrate your dog collar when the proper setting are on.
The tone key is used if you would like to give a warning to a dog before correcting. The tone is a loud beep that will come out of the collar which will help get the dogs attention.
The dog device toggle switch is used to switch the Handheld between dog devices. The handheld can hold up to three dogs at one time but you are only able to train one at a time. With the easy flip of this switch you will be able to move between all 3 of your dogs.
The lower training key is used as one of the two keys to correct your dog. Using the bottom key by itself will give you a low level of stimulation while selecting both the top and bottom training keys will give you a high level of stimulation. You can also use the bottom key to turn your collar lights off as well as vibrate your dog collar when the proper setting are on.
The battery level indicator is used to show the battery life that is left on your handheld. If the indicator light is showing green it has a good charge, if it is yellow the device needs to be charged soon, if the indicator is red the battery is very low and needs to be immediately charged, and if it is blinking red the device is dead and will not operate.
The intensity level indicator is used to select the level of intensity you would like to correct your dog at. To select your level on intensity line the intensity of your choice up with the indicator light. This is also where you will find the option to use vibration or to turn on your accessories.
The antenna is used to send signals back in forth from your handheld and dog device.
Plug your device in using the charging port below to recharge your lithium-ion battery.
The mode toggle switch is used to switch between momentary correction, continuous correction, and accessories. Momentary correction"M" is a short stimulation no matter how long you hold down the training key. While continuous correction "C" is a long burst of stimulation that will last as long as you hold down the training button. The accessories button "A" is what you will use to activate and deactivate lights on the unit.
The upper training key is used as one of the two keys to correct your dog. Using the top key by itself will give you a medium level of stimulation while selecting both the top and bottom training keys will give you a high level of stimulation. You can also use the top key to turn your collar lights on as well as vibrate your dog collar when the proper setting are on.
The tone key is used if you would like to give a warning to a dog before correcting. The tone is a loud beep that will come out of the collar which will help get the dogs attention.
The dog device toggle switch is used to switch the Handheld between dog devices. The handheld can hold up to three dogs at one time but you are only able to train one at a time. With the easy flip of this switch you will be able to move between all 3 of your dogs.
The lower training key is used as one of the two keys to correct your dog. Using the bottom key by itself will give you a low level of stimulation while selecting both the top and bottom training keys will give you a high level of stimulation. You can also use the bottom key to turn your collar lights off as well as vibrate your dog collar when the proper setting are on.
The battery level indicator is used to show the battery life that is left on your handheld. If the indicator light is showing green it has a good charge, if it is yellow the device needs to be charged soon, if the indicator is red the battery is very low and needs to be immediately charged, and if it is blinking red the device is dead and will not operate.
The intensity level indicator is used to select the level of intensity you would like to correct your dog at. To select your level on intensity line the intensity of your choice up with the indicator light. This is also where you will find the option to use vibration or to turn on your accessories.
The antenna is used to send signals back in forth from your handheld and dog device.
Plug your device in using the charging port below to recharge your lithium-ion battery.
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